Så minns vi World Scout Jamboree 2011

Sommaren 2011 så stod Sverige som värd för den 22:a världsscoutjamboreen (WSJ). Detta var första gången som en WSJ genomfördes i Sverige och det var den största WSJ någonsin med över 40 000 deltagare.

Lägret hölls mellan 27 juli – 7 augusti 2011 på Rinkabys skjutfält utanför Kristianstad. Det här är en minnessida för att minnas det storslagna lägret som samlade scouter från 146 olika länder den där sommaren i Skåne.


In 2011 Sweden had the great honour of hosting the 22nd World Scout Jamboree. Under the theme Simply Scouting we welcomed Scouts from all over the world for twelve days of Meetings, Nature and Solidarity. We want to extend a sincere thank you to everyone who took part, be it as a youth participant, unit leader, IST, CMT member or visitor.

Theme & key concepts

The theme for the 22nd World Scout Jamboree was Simply Scouting; Scouting in all its variety, from all across the world. An important part of this philosophy was that the Scout Method and our common Scout values were the foundation of every aspect of the Jamboree. The idea of Simply Scouting was illustrated thorugh three key concepts; Meetings, Nature and Solidarity.


The 22nd World Scout Jamboree was organised to encourage meetings; meetings across cultures, characters, interests, religions, countries, continents and more. Everything at the Jamboree took this into consideration; from module acitivites to subcamp life, from small camp fires to huge arena events. As well as the programme, the actual Jamboree site was designed to create meeting places and the Jamboree schedule included plenty of time for spontaneous meetings.


A World Scout Jamboree in Sweden meant being close to nature. Outdoor life is very accesible and an important part of Swedish culture and Scouting. The location of the Jamboree site allowed participants to live close to nature, and learn about environmental practices hands on. The 22nd WSj was the first ever eco-awarded Jamboree, having fulfilled certain requirements regarding the environment and sustainability. The programme and everyday life at the camp especially focused on giving young people tools to take action to protect their local environment.


The Jamboree was a platform for young people from all over the world to meet and recognise that they are all part of the same worldwide Movement. In Scouting all are equal, independent of any personal characteristics or background. The concept of Solidarity looked at how we treat other people, and included respect, equal rights and peace. These issues were explored in many of the Jamboree activites.

World Scout Jamboree 2011 i siffror


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